Searching for the Truth...
Why are we here? Is it by Design or Accident?
If you graduated from college within the last 40 years, then you were almost certainly taught that science has "proven" macro-evolution to be true and that everything is comprised of matter with no evidence of anything non-material. Higher learning institutions continue to teach these as "facts" today. Most students accept this and believe that they were taught indisputable, scintific information that they could trust. Anyone who states otherwise is viewed like the proverbial ostrich who sticks their head into the sand because they do not want to face the truth. But what if the most recent scientific evidence actually indicates otherwise? (Video 4:49) Are you willing to follow the latest scientific discoveries or will you stick your head in the sand? If you are willing to think for yourself and you are unbiased, open-minded and honestly want to know the truth, then I believe you will find this broad overview enlightening and thought provoking with a powerful clumative case from science, history & logic for a rational belief in a higher power.
Please watch this excellent 6:26 min video which does an amazing job of explaining the "Fine Tuning" problem (aka, Teleological Argument) that honest scientists admit is completly beyond reason from an evolutionary viewpoint. The cosmological constants are an extremely powerful evidence of design. In addition to the video information, "Every atom has a nucleus of protons and neutrons and a cloud of electrons swirling around it. When an atom binds with another atom to make a molecule, the charged protons and electrons interact to hold them together. The mass of a proton is nearly 2,000 times the mass of the electron (1,836.15267389 times, to be precise). But if this ratio changed by only a small amount, the stability of many common chemicals would be compromised" - theologian and scientist, Alister McGrath. Consider that the atom itself is irreducibly complex. It has not evolved over time! The atom has built into it a mechanism (the Pion), that comes from out of nowhere to enable life as we know it. There is no reasonable natural explanation for these complexities.
A fascinating subject is the study of genetics and the human DNA which continues to amaze scientists with the complexity of design and the coding of organized information. The simplest cell is vastly more complex than originally thought. The cell is a nano sized factory containing an elaborate network of interlocking assembly lines. Every currently known method of producing proteins also requires several bio-machines each of which also are made with proteins. (Video 3:41) This is a serious problem for those who claim everything has a naturalistic origin. Some geneticist and biologist are now expounding theories that the first male and female came from another planet (panspermia) because of irreducible complexity in the cell structure and the incredible DNA information. However, this fails to answer why our universe and specifically our planet is so perfectly tuned for life. It also offers no explanation for the fundamental constants that are built into our universe from the beginning. All it does is speculatively avoid the real question of abiogenesis (life from non-life). Panspermia would still need an origin. What are the odds that life somehow originated somewhere else in the universe and then caught a ride on an interstellar object surviving to land on the only planet in this solar system that is designed to support complex life? Many scientists who are purely following the evidence and honestly considering the new advances in molecular biology are having trouble grasping the newly found complexities inside 4th dimensional DNA. (Video 21:44) while also reconciling that our DNA is actually devolving with every generation (not evolving). (Video 2:00)
Scientists are having to admit that natural selection and breeding is a process of recombination, gene suppression or reduction. All of these are using information that already exists with no new information added. They have no clue as to where this information came from. Mutations in nature are almost certainly a bad thing and cannot account for this information. The last thing you want to hear is that your unborn baby has an "unusual" number of chromosomes or a genetic mutation. Adaption within boundaries or micro-evolution is what is consistently observed in all of nature. This is a skillfully designed, adaptive, process with error correcting properties. Read that again and let it sink in. Do you know of any error correcting, organized information, that created itself? Survival adaption is from a recombination, reduction or suppression of existing gene information and it has natural limitations. This is exactly what Darwin observed in his micro-evolution observations with the finch beaks. However, Darwin's purposed theory of macro-evolution is now far less possible as the real role of mutations is known.(Video 2:21) Where did the original information and design with it's error correction and boundary limits come from? Macro-evolution (from one kind of animal to a completely different kind of animal) as taught by Darwin has no scientifically verifiable evidence in all of nature, including humans. The missing links for all the different "kinds" are still missing. We may not be able to observe millions of years for changes but we have observed millions of species for over a hundred years and not one of them is in transition to a different "kind". From Chihuahuas to Great Danes, dogs always remain dogs and all the DNA for both of them comes from a common ancestor. Why haven't dolphins, whales or other sea bound mammals that cannot survive outside of water, not developed gills? Not even one of the these species is even in the process of developing gills. Despite our new understanding of DNA and the scientific impossibility of macro-evolution theory, they are still indoctrinating our children with this false paradigm (Must Watch Video 64min), not only as a theory, but as a scientific fact while continuing to falsely claim that humans & apes genes are 98% identical.
We will only take the time here to barely scratch the surface of the problems of non-living matter coming to sustainable life on its own.(article) With all of our advancements in science and medicine we still cannot create the simplest of life forms from organic materials that have never been alive. Consider that repeated experiments in ideal lab environments have been meticulously orchestrated by many scientists (intelligent life?) over multiple decades of rigorous experimentation, with no real progress. Yet, the evolution theory we are taught to "believe" requires us to blindly accept that it all happened by accident without intelligent design? We are not talking about micro-evolution which happens frequently where birds or animals change slightly over time to adapt to a changing environment (which we now know is removal or suppression of gene expression, as no new genetic information is added in this natural process). The evolution in question is macro-evolution which requires believing that non-living materials became a living cell and all plant, insect and animal species evolved from that one "miracle" cell. They continue this belief even though they cannot provide any actual proof in the fossil record of even one change to a different "kind" of species.
Now lets add the "Goldilocks" principle (article) (Anthropic Principle), into the equation. If our earth, moon and sun were slightly larger or slightly smaller in size (even if the distance and size proportions were exactly the same) the force of gravity would be either too strong or too weak to support complex life forms. Our unique single but proportionally large moon gives a very unique rotation on a tilted axis at a very important angle of 23.5 degrees at just the right distance from the sun which is "critical" for allowing our planet the seasonal changes and weather patterns required for the seasons that we need to grow vegetation. Consider the extreme temperature difference on our own planet between the arctic and the equator to see just how critical our location is. These are just a small sampling of the many finely tuned features that allow our little blue sphere to sustain complex life. (Movie "Privileged Planet" 90min) The diverse plant and animal life on planet earth is absolutely astonishing. Just look at the delicate and fragile balance seen in nature and the impact pollution can have on this finely tuned balance. Our ecosystem is amazingly complex with a huge number of codependent plants and animals that need each other to survive. The question is, could this delicate balance have possibly happened by an evolutionary accident or was it carefully designed to support life?
If you talk to most scientists and refer to the elegance and beauty of "mother nature", they will usually agree often with comments about the amazing complexities of life. However, if you phrase it differently and talk about the elegance and beauty of "God's creation", watch how many will sharply challenge you and disagree. Why is that? Well, the term "mother nature" is non-threatening as it does not require a personal response because it places no specific requirements on an individual. Whereas, if there is a Creator to whom we owe every breath of our life, then we would have to admit that we may be required to give an account someday for all of our thoughts and actions.
Quantum mechanics is one of the most successful theories in science. It was used to design the first micro processors and all of the computers and electronic devices we use today. It also leads to some mind bending conclusions as it does not fit with our current understanding of the other laws of our universe. The world around us that seems so solid is really an illusion because matter is 99.9...% empty space. Reality as we perceive it does not exist unless it is observed. Some conclude that our whole universe is a grand 3D holographic computer simulation citing evidence that our world has a finite resolution and when you "zoom in" close enough, it looks like digital pixels. Once you divide down to a certain point of mass or time (Planck length and Planck time), you cannot divide any smaller as the object loses locality. We know almost nothing about 95% of our universe which has been named "Dark Matter" & "Dark Energy" which holds everything together. Have these already been described in the Bible? " Him all things hold together" Colossians 1:17 and in Hebrews 1:3, "He uses his powerful word to hold all things together". Who is to say that the extra dimensions that mathematicians say must exist, cannot be spiritual dimensions?
Now let us take a scientific look at "Near Death Experiences". If you research, you will find millions of accounts of people who were pronounced dead and have a vivid recollection of leaving their body and traveling into another dimension. Over 300 have been peer reviewed & clinically documented to have observed events and details that were not physically possible from the vantage of their physical body. Here are just two from Dr. Gary Habermas (Video 3:28) Unlike a dream, they often recall vivid details and common themes in the vast majority of these experiences. Supporting scientific evidence from a neurosurgeon scientist indicates that our "mind" is in a different dimension, located outside our physical body... "Penfield found that patients retained a “third person” perspective on mental events evoked by brain stimulation. There was always a “mind” that was independent of cortical stimulation" (article). In support of this understanding is this recent study that suggests that the human brain operates at a quantum level and not in our physical mind (article).
This leads to the compelling conclusion that these experiences cannot be explained by a chemical reaction in the brain. This phenomena is tangible evidence that there is an existence beyond this life. It seems that some NDE experiences last longer than others which may explain some of the differences. Most of these NDE's start with an out of body sensation with an aerial view of their own body. Some will then advance to a tunnel of light and encounter a person who radiates incredible love. If that ends their experience, then some may entertain a false sense of comfort and hope because others who have gone beyond the "light", often experience a dreadful life review or a glimpse of Hell or Heaven.
Some will ask what about ET, aliens and the supernatural. It seems to me that these are accurately described in the ancient Biblical writings as fallen evil entities who are trying to deceive humans. This will become more prevalent and apparent as we enter the prophesied final phase of the end of days. If this subject interests you, I suggest you learn from MUFON Director & CE4 Research Founder - Joseph Jordan, who discovered that many abductees have halted the abduction by calling out to Jesus for help.
If you are interested in additional philosophical, logical arguments for the existence of God, then you may enjoy these short videos that outline the Kalam Cosmological Argument and the Ontological Argument . If you challenge whether miracles can occur, consider the peer reviewed, academic, scholarly two volume work by Dr. Craig S. Keener called, "Miracles". For an easier reading and well documented book on miracles, look at Lee Strobel's book, "The Case for Miracles" (video about the book 38min).
Up until the last 100 years, evolution science taught that the universe was static & eternal with infinite time for evolution to take place (even Albert Einstein used to believe this). Those who "control" the presentation of "science" had to scramble for a new theory when confronted with strong evidence that our universe is expanding and actually had a beginning. So modern science jumped onto the "Big Bang" theory which must invoke its own "miracles" (5 min Video). The new James Webb telescope findings completely contradicts the main previous theory that was believed for decades. Now we have evidence showing that the "oldest" galaxies are very similar to the "newest" galaxies. However, the red shift and other data still show that there was a beginning. This is baffling to those who only look for a natural explanation.
Being a true atheist requires belief in several compounding, unscientific miracles that are not testable by the scientific method and violate all currently known science including:
Miracle #1 - Something (actually everything) arising from nothing (really nothing - not a quantum vacuum which is something),
Miracle #2 - Inflation of time and space for a very exact and very minuscule period of time that then suddenly and dramatically levels out at an optimally exact time to the precise perfect expansion rate that allows matter to exist while creating the cosmological constants and mysteriously forming galaxies, stars and planets (interestingly, the Bible proclaims in several places that "God stretched out the Heavens"),
Miracle #3 - At least one incredibly special planet that is just the right size and distance and proportion to a non-binary sun with a large moon perfectly positioned to stabilize the earth's important axis tilt. This planet also has the right core to generate a magnetosphere to protect it from extreme solar radiation. It must contain the right atmosphere & liquid water plus all the advanced elements for the creation and sustainability of complex, advanced life with over 200 required features,
Miracle #4 - The first protein must self-assemble with zero right handed amino acids and then fold itself into a functional form (the simplest forms of life today require hundreds proteins), Evolutionists have proposed a "theoretical" self-replicating peptide that they suppose to be only 32 amino acids long which reduces the odds to only 4.29 x 1040 but this is unproven speculation and is only one step their theorized five step process that they have imagined, to get the first cell,
Miracle #5 - These proteins must also find a membrane to occupy, then the first cell somehow comes to life through a completely random, directionless, unexplained, process,
Miracle #6 - Complex DNA coded information inexplicably appears inside the first cell that also contains the instruction plans and the complex factory required to replicate itself,
Miracle #7 - Then this "miracle" cell also has the ability to become plant, animal, reptilian, avian and insect life (this is where Darwin's Theory actually begins because he assumed the cell was a very simple and that spontaneous generation was reasonably probable and that the Earth was eternal with infinite time for evolution to occur. Science has shown that he was very, very wrong on ALL three of these critical assumptions),
Miracle #8 - Finally, this cell must also simultaneously develop male and female compatible versions (both with complete functional & compatible reproductive processes at the same time and in the same place), then they must find each other and figure it out. Then they must also "evolve" together into all of the variety of life forms that has ever existed without succumbing to inbreeding.
Miracle #9 - One species must become conscious and intelligent enough to understand just how ridiculously impossible it would be for the combination of these miracles to happen using only time, chance and natural selection,
Miracle #10 - Miracles #3 through #9 must happen within the claimed 2 billion years after our Earth's formation cooled (they claim the Earth had to cool for over two billion years before life could be supported).
Beyond these miracles, there are also many other problems that have never been satisfactorily explained. Like, the many explosions in the diversity of life forms in incredibly short time frames, the supposed oldest layers of fossils are still extremely complex, the complete lack of transitional fossils that would link all the claimed evolution. Talk about a blind leap of faith. You can still believe that all these incredible, compounding miracles happened against all conceivable odds if you want, but understand that your are choosing to believe truly impossible & unproved assumptions (not testable experimental science). All of the imagined methods that scientists have proposed for the emergence of life from non-life have failed miserably. And this is only one of many unexplained steps.
Scientism also offers nothing but pure conjecture for explaining what was before the "Big Bang" or what set it into motion. "We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism... we cannot let a divine foot in the door." - Richard C. Lewontin.
One of the major deceptions in the current scientific worldview is that "truth" is the goal. However any "truth" that challenges their materialistic worldview will be automatically be rejected, ignored or unreasonably attacked. They are in control of the universities, the text books, the research funding and the scientific field at large. Their materialistic religion must be blindly accepted with no other views tolerated. It is interesting that they often want to raise their families with morals that come from a Judeo-Christian heritage, yet they claim that survival of the fittest is the rule of the evolution jungle.
The Bible has always proclaimed that God is not constrained by time and space. This concept was ridiculed by the scientific community because everyone "just knew" that time was an absolute fixed property. Those who believed the Bible had to accept God's Word on faith, until science caught up when the "theory of relativity" gained acceptance.
"I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done..." - Isaiah 46:10
"He himself existed before anything else did" Colossians 1:17
"...knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness in the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time..." - Titus 1.1
Unless you want to believe that the world is being held up by elephants or a turtle, there is really only one of the ancient writings which gives an actual detailed outline of the creation with a specific order of events. It is the only ancient writing that correctly states "He hangs the earth on nothing." - Job 26:7 and "God is enthroned above the circle of the earth" - Isaiah 40:22. This same ancient collection of writings also makes hundreds of specific prophecies of the future and has never been proven wrong (one example 5:55). In fact, archaeology (recent list) continues to reaffirm the Biblical as Historically accurate. (I highly recommend the Truth Project - "TrueU 01 & 02" - Digital download or DVD series). The Bible is unique as it speaks about the creation event in the books of Genesis, Job, Isaiah & Psalms each giving additional insight. However, there are many views on the correct and accurate interpretation of the Biblical creation timeline (article). The original wording is open to several legitimate possible interpretations of the time-frames, which allows Christians to differ knowing that it is not "on the test" to get into Heaven. Some see an old earth and some see a young earth, while others say that there is a gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 and that what is described is actually a re-creation of the Earth possibly after a "pre-human" destruction (the Gap Theory). Again, there are several views and it is not a salvation issue, so opinions are fine and interesting but it should not create divisions between true Christians. You do not have to suspend science and reason in order to believe the Bible, but you may have to look at the actual scientific data yourself and see if there are biases in the interpretation of the factual data. It is also very important and make sure you are correctly understanding what God was trying to convey when you read His Word. Salvation issues are very clear and stated several different times in several different ways because that is what is most important to us and to God.
I will warn you that independent thinkers who challenge the "religion of Darwinism" have been demoted, fired, mocked and scorned for daring to challenge the "priests" of academia. No matter how reasonable and scientific a discovery may be, if it conflicts with the macro-evolution paradigm (Movie "Expelled" 98min), then it will not be accepted into "peer reviewed journals" because the "soft science" fields are controlled by elitist who are extremely biased against anything that challenges their established view of evolution. You cannot openly disagree & get positions, grants or be accepted in academic circles. If you doubt this, then research "soft tissue found in dinosaur bones" (15 min Video) and see the controversy over this actual scientific paradigm changing discovery.
Of all the wise men and religious leaders and prophets in history, there is only one person who stands alone. Some have tried to deny His historical existance (Video 4:21), but there is more extra Biblical evidence (article) for this poor Jewish home builder from an obscure area than there is for all the emperors and kings of His era. He made such an impact on our world that our history is divided by His entrance 2000 years ago. Our calendar is still based on the years since He entered this earth. He had love and compassion for the common people but He spoke out harshly against "religious" leaders who were proud and had no heart for God. His word speaks out today against many of the things that people are claiming to do in His name. In fact, He prophetically warned us of the deception from false teachers and false prophets that would claim to represent Him and mark the end times. He made several other specific predictions on events that will take place before He returns. Some of which are happening now before our very eyes. He made extraordinary claims that nobody else has ever made. Then He backed them up with his actions and incredible miracles. He allowed himself to be crucified being obedient to The Father, but He has no tomb because He overcame the grave, never to die again. He was seen by over 500 people at once, plus many others during the 40 days after He came back from the dead before visually ascending to Heaven. He ate with them and showed them His side where the roman spear had pierced into His heart and His hands where the crucifixion nails were driven through. Even the Jewish Talmud (article) refers to Jesus as a conjurer and sorcerer so that even His contemporary enemies admitted to His miracle working. He said that He was sent to make a way for us to enter the Holy presence of God Almighty. He is the only one who could possibly fulfill all of the Ancient Prophecies (book "Ancient Prophecies Revealed") This is why He could say that He is the only way to God. Don't look at people who "call" themselves Christians or those who "claim" to speak for the church, but look at Jesus. His words, His life, His history.
"Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go through it.
How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it.
"Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravaging wolves.
You'll recognize them by their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit.
A good tree can't produce bad fruit; neither can a bad tree produce good fruit.
Every tree that doesn't produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
So you'll recognize them by their fruit.
"Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord!" will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven.
On that day many will say to Me, "Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in Your name, drive out demons in Your name, and do many miracles in Your name?"
Then I will announce to them, "I never knew you! Depart from Me, you lawbreakers!" - Matthew 7:13-23 HCSB
For every educated scholarly critique of the Bible, I can show you an equally educated and scholarly viewpoint that validates the historical Biblical events and their accuracy. If you will look for yourself, you will learn that is not about the educated vs uneducated or the scientific vs the unscientific. These are straw-men erected by those who ignore the evidence because they simply do not want to submit to their Creator. The faith it takes to believe in Jesus is similar to the faith it takes to get onto an airplane and trust that it will safely take you to the place you want to go even if you know nothing about aeronautics. It is a faith based on good evidence that any rational mind can accept.
Search for yourself and make an informed decision on the truth claims made in the Bible. Browse through my video section and you will find informed experts who give credible documented proof for the history and accuracy of the New Testament. (Video 4:22)
Look at the power of truly changed lives starting with His eleven disciples who were with Jesus when He died and then met Him in person after His resurrection. They personally watched Him ascended into the clouds proclaiming that He would return at the end of time as the righteous judge. All eleven of them remained faithful to the end of their lives enduring great pain and suffering and many endured a horrible torturous death for proclaiming that Jesus arose from the dead. These were first hand witnesses of His death, resurrection & ascension. All of these men with first hand knowledge, would not have given up the rest of their lives to suffering, pain and hardship proclaiming these truths & dying rather than denying these truths. They were very common ordinary men, yet they forever changed the world spreading the "good news" about Jesus and performing miracles to validate the authority of their message. Plus, we also have the complete turn around of Saul who became the Apostle Paul and James the half brother of Jesus. They were both opposed to Jesus until they personally met Him after His reserection. We have some very interesting Biblical parallels (article) to show you from the scriptures to help you find the truth. Jesus proclaimed several times that He is the only way to enter Heaven. Remember, "Some things are true, whether you chose to believe them or not". Only you can decide to investigate further and with your eternal destiny on the line, don't you want to know the truth? Eternity is a very, very, very long time to be wrong...