The Truth is...

You know that you are a unique individual. You also know that you have free will to make choices with control over your decisions. You are more than just the accumulation of chemical reactions that are predetermined (which would have no actual choice). Your life has value, purpose and meaning. This means you know that "molecules to man" evolution cannot be true. Look around you and look at history. You also know that something is not right. Something in humanity is broken. We are not "evolving" into better moral creatures so society tries to change the moral values calling it progress while actually repeating what failed to work for past civilizations. The vast majority of the people you know appear to want to live in peace with fairness, but it never seems attainable long term. Your unsatisfied desire for more than this life can offer, is because God has put eternity in your heart.

It is interesting to discover how many people say they believe in materialism and reject anything miraculous. For someone who takes great pride in being rational and reasonable, this is an irrational worldview because the prevailing scientific theory is that the universe along with space, time and matter, all came from an inconceivable miracle called the "Big Bang". There is no valid scientific explanation for this miracle. After a series of many other "miraculous" events, non-living material must "miraculously come alive" with DNA coded information (not only for life but also for replication). All these incredible miracles must happen before you can even consider the possibility of Darwin's macro-evolution theory. Once you admit that miracles are required to bring us to our current state of consciousness, then you also need to admit that naturalistic science is not an adequate explanation for why we are here or how we got here. Let's contrast this with the only ancient revelation that also agrees with our modern scientific discoveries...

In the beginning (the creation of time) God created the heaven (space) and the earth (matter). No matter how hard you try to suppress and rationalize, deep down you know you have a moral conscience and that it came from God even if you have severely warped it by denying Him. Search your feelings, you know it to be true. You also know that you are broken and sometimes have thoughts and desires that you know are are not right. You can point to strawmen objections all day long trying to justify your non-belief. If I cleared up all the misleading science and inaccurate interpretations of the actual data and all the misunderstandings about what the Bible actually says, would you believe or would you just look for more questions? Are you really looking for the Truth?

Can you be honest and see that you are not unbiased or neutral on this question? Admit that you want to be the judge of what you think is right and wrong or good and evil. Admit that you want to be in control to do what you want with your life and you do not want to submit to God's rules. But without God, nothing can be truly good or evil because there could not be any absolute standard. Everything would be relative and every person would decide what they think is right or wrong based on their feelings at the time. What you do not realize is that you have become enslaved to your desires & temporary pleasures. You are blinded by your pride. You think that you are right in your judgments, but your conscience has been warped because you have turned away from the Way, the Truth and the Life. Proverbs 16:2,26 All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.

If your internal compass no longer points to an absolute trustworthy location (God), then it always points to you. This is why you can fool yourself into believing you are on the right path when you are really headed for eternal destruction. What you cannot comprehend is the change that happens when you surrender control of your life and give everything to Jesus, accepting His word as truth and become, "Born Again" then let Him change your feelings. If you would humbly and honestly step towards the light, you will start to see the Holiness of God and start to view the world through an eternal perspective. When you get a glimpse of His Holiness, then and only then, will you understand why Jesus had to die and why nobody can stand in God's presence on their own merit. This is why God sent Jesus to make a way, when there was no way we could join God in His perfect & sinless Heaven. It is why Jesus is the only way. This is why rejecting what Jesus did for you, has such severe consequences, eternal separation from God into darkness with eternal regrets.